Blue Whale - The Biggest Animal and Mammal

The Biggest mammal and Animals is the Blue Whale. Blue Whale live in the sea. Blue whale is not a fish, he is a mammal. His Latin name is Balaenoptera musculus. The blue whale is the largest animal and mammal that is still alive today. His body was considered even bigger than the biggest dinosaurs.

Blue Whale Dimension

Blue whale size comparison

Blue whale size comparison to other big objects

Blue whale size compare to Africa elephant

Blue whale size compare to Africa elephant (the largest elephant)

The Biggest blue whale that ever measured by human is the female blue whale with a length of 33.58 m and weighing 190 tons. For comparison, the largest dinosaur known from the Mesozoic era, that is Argentinosaurus estimated at 90 tons, there is also said (still controversial) if the largest dinosaur is fragillimus Amphicoelias that have a mass 122 tons and a length of 40-60 meters.

Blue Whale Location

Blue Whale is long and lean, his back (dorsal) is bluish gray and the front (ventral) is lighter. There are at least three blue whale subspecies : B. m. musculus of the North Atlantic and North Pacific, B. m. intermedia in the Southern Ocean and B. m. brevicauda (also called pygmy blue whales) in the Indian Ocean and South Pacific Ocean. B. m. indica living in the Indian Ocean may be the other subspecies .

whale species

Blue whale size comparison to other whale species

Blue Whale Food

As with other baleen whales, the staple food of blue whale is the tiny crustaceans called krill, though they also eat copepods in small quantities. The species of this zoo plankton eaten by a variety of blue whales from ocean to ocean. Adult blue whale can eat up as much as 40 million krill per day. They always eat in areas with high concentrations of krill, so sometimes it takes approximately 3,600 kilograms ( 7,900 lb ) of krill in a single day.

Blue Whale Age

Scientists estimate that blue whales can reach the age of 80 years. but because of the track record of the individual does not come from the hunt, it is not known with certainty. The only natural predator of blue whale is the killer whale. According to the study, as many as 25% of adult blue whales have injuries caused by the attack of killer whales.

The Museum of Blue Whale Skeleton

American Museum of Natural History in New York City who has a model of a blue whale in the Milstein Family Hall of Ocean Life. Children Blue whale skeleton also installed at the New Bedford Whaling Museum in New Bedford, Massachusetts. Aquarium of the Pacific in Long Beach , California also showed off a model blue whale mother with her ​​son hanging on the roof of the main hall. In addition, the Beaty Biodiversity Museum at the University of British Columbia, Canada, featuring a blue whale skeleton (skull is a replica) on the highway campus, and genuine blue whale skeleton in the Canadian Museum of Nature in Ottawa also began to be exhibited in 2010. National History Museum in Gothenburg, Sweden has a replica of a blue whale skeleton displayed alongside. While the Melbourne Museum display pygmy blue whale skeleton. Natural History Museum is located in the London store skeleton and model of the blue whale, which is the first in the world , which is replicated in Univerity of California, Santa Cruz.

Blue Whales Scientific Classification :

Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum : Chordata
Class : Mammalia
Order : Cetacea
Up-ordo : Mysticeti
Family: Balaenopteridae
Genus : Balaenoptera
Species : B. musculus

Tags: blue whale mammal, whale mammal length, blue whale size compared to elephant, blue whale weight comparison, blue whale size comparison to elephants, length of blue whale, blue whale vs elephant weight, blue whale facts, blue whale a mammal, elephant blue whale size comparison, weight of blue whale compared to elephant, blue whale and elephant comparison, whale and elephant size comparison, compare blue whale and elephant, size of blue whale compared to elephant, the blue whale facts, facts of blue whale, biggest species of whale, blue whale vs elephant, blue whale size comparison, biggest whale length, blue whale compared to elephant.