Colibri Hummingbird - Helicopter Bird that can Fly Backwards

Colibri hummingbird - helicopter bird border=
Colibri Hummingbird - Helicopter Bird that can Fly Backwards

Is there a bird that can fly like a helicopter? Yes, the bird is Colibri / hummingbirds.

Most birds fly like an airplane, which is slid forward. But there is one bird that can fly like a helicopter that is rising and falling vertically and fly at the same place. Even the bird can fly backwards.

This great bird is a Colibri / hummingbird. The bird never perched on a branch when he eats. He continued fly in the same place while inserting its beak into a flower to suck nectar or eating tiny insects. When hummingbird finished eating, he pulled his beak while flying backwards. Flying backwards is done by rotating the direction of its wings. Great is not it? no other birds can be like that.

Hummingbird is the smallest bird in the world with a length of 1-12 cm and a weight of 2-20 grams.

Honey hummingbird is the smallest type of hummingbird that can beat its wings 80 times per second. Every minute, the birds inhale as much as 250 times.

Hummingbird is a voracious eater. They should eat 5-14 times every hour. Hummingbird must eat more than 500% of its own weight. Compare with humans who eat only 2-4% of their own body weight every day.